Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rosemary Garlic Rolls

Do you know what it feels like to have clouds on your tongue? Clouds smothered in butter and garlic and rosemary? 

These rolls are those clouds.  

Hopefully you are imagining the same kind of clouds as me. I imagine the clouds you see in cartoons--the big, fluffy, cotton candy ones.  Because real clouds are not as fun.  And I prefer my rolls not raining on me, thank you very much.

For those of you who have worked with yeast, this is one of the simplest recipes ever.  I was shocked at how such an easy dough recipe could yield such soft, fluffy dough.  The melted butter over the tops of each mound browned nicely and gave the rolls a thin crisp layer of rich, delicious goodness.

What's nice too is that this recipe is easily customizable.  Don't like rosemary? Take it out.  Add your favorite herbs or don't.  Like lots of garlic? Add more.  Don't like garlic? Then we can't be friends, and your rolls will turn out like cartoon clouds that are about to die from dehydration.  Do you want sad, dead clouds?

I didn't think so.

Let the yeast get all foamy.  The interwebs seem to agree that 105-115 degrees is ideal.  I  just use hot tap water and that has worked fine for me.  If your yeast doesn't start to foam, then throw it out and start again, because it is dead.  You killed it.  You're a horrible human being.

Your dough should look like this after it has risen.  Big and fat! 

Rosemary garlic butter.  Use all of it.  All of it.

After forming your dough balls for rolls, letting them rise one more time, and baking them for a bit,  drench them with the melted butter mixture and cook until golden brown.

Ahh yeah, glistening with butter

I made small rolls to use as buns for shredded pork, but you can adjust the sizes based on your purposes.  This recipe makes 8 small buns or 4 normal size rolls.

Rosemary Buns


3/4 cup lukewarm water
2 tbsp melted butter
1 large egg
3.5 cups flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tbs instant yeast

1 stick of butter, softened
Crushed garlic cloves (to taste)
Rosemary sprigs (to taste)


1) Combine water and half the sugar, then stir in yeast.  Once yeast is foamy, about 10 minutes, add the melted butter, salt, egg, and the rest of the sugar.  Add in flour slowly.  Knead until dough is smooth and no longer sticky.

2) Place dough in oiled bowl, covered with damp cloth or paper towel and let rise 1-2 hours until double in bulk. *I learned a trick where you preheat your oven to the lowest temperature, then turn it off and open the oven door.  Place the bowl on the open door and your dough will rise more quickly*

3) Once risen, deflate the dough and divide into 4 or 8 pieces, depending on the size roll you want.  Shape each round into a ball then flatten and place on a lightly greased pan.  Cover again with damp cloth or paper towel until the dough has risen again.

4) In the meantime, mix your softened butter with the crushed garlic cloves and rosemary sprigs.

5) Preheat oven to 375.  Melt rosemary garlic butter in the microwave, then spread on dough rounds.  Bake about 14-16 minutes until golden.  At 12 minutes, I pulled the rolls out and spread more of the butter mixture on.  Because I'm a fat kid.

6) After pulling rolls out of the oven, feel free to use up any leftover butter mixture if you want to be an extra fat kid like me. 

*These rolls freeze well, if you want to save them for later*   

Thank you for stopping by, and I lied when I said we can't be friends if you don't like garlic! Now if you don't like bacon, that's a whole other story...Thanks for stopping by ;)

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