Saturday, February 22, 2014

BBQ and Peanut Sauce Cauliflower Tater Tots

I can't stand cauliflower. Hate hate hate it. 

When I started researching recipes for clean eating, I saw many links for roasted cauliflower covered in spices, cheese, or buffalo wings sauce. This intrigued me, but since I'm not a fan of the texture (on top of the taste), I wanted to find a way to make cauliflower that I could actually tolerate.

Welcome, cauliflower tater tots.

I originally wanted to make a cauliflower tater tots recipe with buffalo wings sauce, but as my bag of frozen cauliflower was sitting on the counter, realized I didn't have any. I did, however, have barbecue sauce and a bottle of peanut satay sauce recently purchased on a whim from Trader Joe's.  About half way through forming the mixture, I decided to incorporate both sauces and cover half the tots with peanut satay sauce and half with bbq sauce.  These came out tasty and didn't taste like traditional cauliflower at all!

Preheat the oven to 350*. Throw a bag of frozen cauliflower in a food processor (could use fresh as well). I let mine thaw a few minutes, so that my food processor wouldn't sound like it was trying to puree rocks. Toss in 4 carrots and 4 stalks of celery and blend everything together, then empty the mixture into a large bowl

Add 1/2 a diced onion (you could puree this with the other vegetables in the food processor, but I wanted to cut mine into large chunks).  Then add whatever spices you like. I did a few shakes of cayenne pepper, black pepper, and creole seasoning

Add a few squirts of worcestershire sauce, sriracha sauce, and one egg 

I added 1 tbs of this chili paste for fun (another impulse buy from Trader Joe's)

Add 1 cup oatmeal flour (or whatever flour you want)

Mix everything together well, then form little tater tot shapes with your hands. Should look roughly like these. Place them on a baking pan sprayed with coconut oil

Pour some of your peanut satay sauce into a small bowl

 …And some bbq sauce in another bowl. I found that the easiest way to coat each tot was to take a spoonful of sauce and drizzle it over each one. Then bake for about 25-30 minutes at 350*.

These are the finished tater tots with peanut satay sauce (bbq ones pictured at the top).  The sauce got crispy, and the flavor complements the cauliflower well

BBQ and Peanut Sauce Cauliflower Tater Tots


1 bag frozen cauliflower
4 carrots
4 celery stalks
1/2 yellow onion
1 tbs Thai chili paste (optional-found it for 99 cents at Trader Joe's)
Peanut satay sauce (about half a bottle)
BBQ Sauce (about 1/4 a bottle)
2 tbs worcestershire sauce
2 tbs sriracha sauce
1/2 tbs cayenne pepper (optional)
2 tbs creole seasoning
1 egg
1 cup oat flour


1) Pre-heat oven to 350*.  In a food processor, puree cauliflower, carrots, and celery stalks.

2) In a large bowl, combine cauliflower mixture with onion, Thai chili paste, worcestershire sauce, sriracha sauce, and spices. Add egg and oat flour.

3) Form mixture into tater tot shapes and place on a coconut oil sprayed baking pan. Coat half the tots with peanut satay sauce and half with the bbq sauce.

4) Bake 25-30 minutes until crispy.

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