Thursday, April 4, 2013

Slow-Cooked BBQ Ribs

I made bbq ribs to go along with this cornbread recipe last night, and I'm pretty sure this is the easiest way to get delicious, fall-off-the bone ribs! Best part is it only takes 3 ingredients!

Most of the meat fell off the bones as soon as I tried to lift them out of my Crock-pot.  This picture is proof--the bones slid right out, clean as can be!

I used country style ribs

Start by slicing half an onion into rings, then layer them onto the bottom of your Crock-pot.  If you don't like onions, then exclude them, which makes the recipe even simpler!

I didn't bother seasoning the ribs, but feel free to do so if you want.  Layer 2 ribs over the onions and drench them with bbq sauce. Add the rest of the ribs, then coat with more bbq sauce.  I didn't measure the sauce out, since it's not really necessary.  Just feel it out ;) Put your Crock-pot on low for about 7-8 hours.

The ribs are ready to eat at this point, although if you want to make them extra special, place them in a baking dish after removing from the Crockpot, cover them in a little more bbq sauce, and bake for 15 minutes in the oven at 400*.  There you have it, super easy ribs. Yum :)

Slow-Cooked BBQ Ribs


4 country style ribs
1 bottle bbq sauce
1/2 sweet onion


1) Slice onion into rings; place rings into Crock-pot

2) Stack 2 ribs in next, cover with bbq sauce, then add the other two ribs. Coat with another layer of bbq sauce.  Cook on low for 7-8 hours.

3) Preheat oven to 400*.  Remove ribs and onions from Crock-pot, place in a baking dish, coat with more bbq sauce, and bake for about 15 minutes to let the sauce carmelize.

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